Musculoskeletal Podiatry
Musculoskeletal Podiatry is the assessment of the structure, alignment and function of the feet, ankles and legs leading to diagnosis and treatment. The assessment may include a dynamic footscan.
We can tailor a unique plan of care for your individual needs.
We offer a number of orthotics including Sidas orthotic technology. This is a customised orthotic manufacturing device which allows custom made insoles to be made and worn on the day of the client’s podiatry consultation.
Introducing phits 3d-print orthotics
We are the only Podiatry clinic in Yorkshire to offer these bespoke orthotics. Using the patented dynamic footscan technology along with an expert assessment by the Podiatrist we can provide orthotics for every day footwear, sports footwear and safety work footwear.
Treatment for:
heel pain
arthritic pain
tendons problems
sports injuries
Treatments available:
exercise advice
footwear advice
orthotics (including custom made, bespoke, 3D printed)
shockwave therapy